Because STARK & SON has provided services to contractors and municipalities across Northern Illinois, their management and tradesmen have gained unique know-how from working with a wide range of materials, project circumstances and client needs. The map at right provides a quick overview of key projects. Click on a pin to learn more.
Select Projects and Scope of Work
Olson Pavilion at Luther Village
Arlington Heights, Illinois
• Excavation for expansion to existing retirement home
• Excavation for underground storm water retention system

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Batavia, Illinois
• Repair of pump discharge in deep tunnel project
• Annual maintenance contract for infrastructure

Elgin Community College Multi-Purpose Classroom
Elgin, Illinois
• Removal of existing parking lot to create new classroom on campus

Speedway Gas Station
West Milwaukee, Wisconsin
• Demolition, excavation, storm trap installation and site utilities for new gas station